Over 90% of our families are living in or below poverty. During the fall and winter seasons, we can never predict the weather. Many times, our families struggle with providing seasonal attire, especially warm coats for cold days with very low temperatures. More often than not, children have grown a few inches taller and sometimes wider by the next school year which makes it difficult for families to keep up with the proper winter wear. Each year, we set a goal to collect 400 coats to help our families manage the cold weather.
When children arrive to school without coats, hats and even gloves, it sometimes prevents them from going outside for learn and play lessons, limiting a child's social, gross and motor skill development. When coats are made available at each of our six Centers, we are able to offer children more than just an opportunity to go outside for learn and play, they also get to wear them home.
Through the support of individual financial donations and collection drives, we offer children WARMTH and families HOPE for a brighter tomorrow.
Please help us keep kids warm this winter, because no child deserves to be cold.